
This site is a preview of the Lakeland Digital Archive. Currently about 5% of the cultural heritage materials collected by the Lakeland Community Heritage Project (LCHP) are published here. The full collection contains oral histories, moving images, newspaper clippings, deeds, maps, photographs, and other materials that Lakelanders and their partners have assembled over more than 20 years of work.

Follow LCHP to find out when more materials are added.

Who Made This

The Lakeland Digital Archive is an initiative of the Lakeland Community Heritage Project. LCHP is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to collect, preserve, and interpret the heritage and history of those African Americans who created, lived in, and/or had association with the Lakeland community of Prince George’s County, Maryland from the late 19th century to the present. The goal of publishing the digital collections online is to help these materials circulate more widely.

Many people have contributed to the creation of Lakeland’s digital collections.

Work on the Lakeland Digital Archive has been partly supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities(HAA-269068-20).* We gratefully acknowledge their support.

* Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Learn More About Lakeland

We hope that the materials published here will generate interest in Lakeland’s story. To learn more about Lakeland, visit LCHP’s website. You can also support the ongoing work of this project by joining LCHP or making a donation.

Using the Collection

LCHP intends to license materials from the collection in ways that make clear how items may be used. Discussions in the community about appropriate licenses and permissions are ongoing. In the meantime, materials are copyrighted by LCHP. If you have questions about use permissions or would like to make a specific request, please contact lakelandcollegepark@gmail.com.